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The History of Atlas Stones

Brief General History...

For centuries Humans have determined group/tribe structure through Physical Competition such as Running, Throwing, Lifting & Carrying. One of these practices has included "STONES" such as Atlas Stones. A stone can remain unchanged for a centuries allowing us to test strength against our ancestors.

The type of stone used & the method in which was used was very much a regional develpoments, different continents/countries would use different method & stone variations:

- Overhead Stone Press: Japan
- Stone Carry: Iceland
- Stone Shouldering: Spain
- Stone Throw: Scotland
- Stone Load: All cultures

Stones in Viking Culture...

Strongman & Atlas Stones have roots in Viking Traditions, the Norsemen were known for being fierce warriors however this was often less accurate as Fishing & Farming actually made up the mojority of their day. 
To earn your worth, position, job role & responsibility on the Farm or Boat a village created a set of stones can be found on the beach of Djúpalónssandur at the foot of Snæfellsjökull. 

The stones at Djúpalónssandur are classified as:

- Amlóði ("useless") at 23 kg (50.7 pounds)
- Hálfdrættingur ("weakling") at 54 kg (119 pounds)
- Hálfsterkur ("half strength") at 100 kg (220.5 pounds)
- Fullsterkur ("full strength") weighing 154 kg (339.5 pounds)

*** Húsafell Stone weighs 186 kg (410 lb)***

The Húsafell Stone is a stone located in the village Húsafell, Iceland. The stone weighs 186 kg (409 lb) and was kept near a sheep pen built by reverend Snorri Björnsson over two hundred years ago.

The stone has been used as a test of strength by either simply lifting the stone or by lifting and carrying the stone around the goat pen. Stone Lifting Statuses:

- Lazybones: Up to knees
- Half-Strong: Up to the waist
- Full-Strong: Could lift it up to the Chest and walk with it around the perimeter of the sheep pen

Records set with this stone include Canadian strongman Gregg Ernst who set a record in 1992 by carrying the Húsafell Stone 70 metres. This record was broken during Iceland's Strongest Man 2017, by Hafþór Björnsson who carried the stone for 90 metres

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